November 14, 2018
The use of social media to share content in various fashions has become so prevalent today that artists cannot ignore this tool to disseminate rapidly images related to their practice. Those platforms allow them to impact and extend their audience with sometimes powerful network effects.
With this awareness and on a dare with my daughter I started my feed @arstydad a user name created after reflecting lightly on my age and practice.
From the start I draw parameters to organize and narrow the tool for the specific of my project. The first is a unique daily post. Then I wanted to share drawings only. I could describe those proto-concepts written with color and graphite pencils as blueprints for my objects in space. This method shares a vision at the origination of the creative process, as seeds for my followers to contemplate
Currently tags and comments are fluid with only a date to pinpoint the drawing in time. Those parameters are subject to change as I develop further my project. To view and follow my feed visit Instagram @arstyday.
Art is a chance at autonomy and gives me a sense of freedom, as form of possibilities.